Friday, November 25, 2022


Copy and paste the link and upload the assignment work before 6 December 2022

Monday, November 21, 2022

Important video links for students



Tuesday, November 15, 2022







1. C Protecting password

2. B. software piracy

3. B. Plagiarism

4. B. firewall

5. A. spamming

B fill in the blanks

1. Computer ethics

2. Hacking means unauthorized access to someone’s computer for viewing, copying or creating data on it.

3. Emails

4. Spamming

5. Footprint

c. Match the following-

1.      d. cyberbullying

2.      c. copyright

3.      e. Phishing

4.       b. hacking

5.       a. digital fooprint



1.  Intellectual property rights are the rights given to a person over their creation. IPR protects an individual’s or a company’s ideas and creations, such as research work, product, art, logo, trademark, registration etc.


2.  Renting means lending or renting out software without the permission of the license holder.

3. Phishing refers to the act of obtaining victims’ sensitive information by posing as trusted companies and organizations. It is usually carried out through spoofed emails and spoofed websites that urgently ask for various types of information.

Identity theft is the illegal use of someone’s personal information for individual gain. Also known as identity fraud, this type of theft can cost a victim time and money. Identity thieves target information like names, dates of birth, driver’s licenses, social security cards, insurance cards, credit cards, and bank information. They use the stolen information to gain access to existing accounts and open new accounts.

4. Digital footprint refers to one’s unique set of traceable digital activities, actions, contributions and communications manifested on the internet or digital devices.







1.  Computer ethics are a set of moral principles or rules that help to regulate the use of the computer. Four commandants of computer ethics are as follows:-

i.                 Never use computer to harm others.

ii.              Never interfere with other people’s work on the computer.

iii.          Don’t look into files that others are working on.

iv.           Don’t use computer to steal data or information.

ANS2. 1. Provide information on every topic.
2. Online shopping





Chapter 6

Organising and enhancing Webpages

1.           (C) Number

2.           (a) Reversed

3.           (d) all of these

4.           (c) <th>

5.           (d) Image, Audio, video


(B) T/F







C. <OL> In an ordered list, the list items appear in a particular order. An ordered list is a numbered list of items.

Attributes- 1. Type   2. Start

    i.                        The type attributes gives the type of numbering to be used in the list. Type “a” gives alphabetical order.

<ol type=”value”>

ii.                        The start attribute defines the start value for the ordered list numbers.


2. <UL> tag is a container tag. It is use to display list of item with bulleted style. Its attribute help us to change the different type of list.

Attribute- Type

3. <TH> tag is a container element that is used to specify row headings in the table.

Attribute-  1. ID    2. STYLE

                  3. ALIGN   4. BGCOLOR

4. <A> The <a>…….</a> element is used to create a hyperlink. The href attribute is used with the <a> tag to specify the URL of the location to be linked.

<a href=”url”> text </a>

6.           <audio>

Attribute- controls

An audio can be inserted using the <audio>..</audio> element. The controls attribute is used to display audio controls such as play, pause and volume buttons.

7.           <Video>

Attribute- controls

An audio can be inserted using the

< Video >..</ Video > element. The controls attribute is used to display Video controls such as play, pause and volume buttons.


Short answer questions

1.           Attributes required to build an ordered list:-

1.           Type   2. Start

2.  Tags used to create a definition list

         a. Definition list <DL>

         b. Definition list item <DT>

        C. Definition list description <DD>

3. Tags used to create a table in HTML –

 1. <TABLE>……</TABLE>

2. <TR>…<TR>

3. <TD>..</TD>


5. <TH> ……..</TH>


ANS 4. Attributes of <TD> AND <TH> Tags are ROWSPAN   COLSPAN

ANS5. Following are the three types of hyperlinks

1.           Internal- Links on the same page

2.           Local- Links to another page within the same website

3.           Global- Links to pages on different websites.


Long answer questions-

ANS1. Already done

ANS2. A list is a number of similar items that are presented in a particular way mostly one below the other. A list helps organize data in a specific order so that the data becomes easy to read and understand.


Ans 4. A list inside another list is known as a nested list. Nested list are useful when subcategories of the items to be listed.




<title> nested list </title>




<li> Monday </li>


<li> English </li>

<li> Mathematics </li>


<li> Tuesday </li>





ANS4. Four Tags required to create a table are   (PAGE 89)

1.   <Table> Tag

2.   <Tr> Tag

3.   <Td> Tag

4.   <Th> Tag



ANS5. A website consists of multiple webpages. These webpages are linked to each other through hyperlinks. A hyperlink can be a text or an image that links to another location on the computer or the internet. When clicked, a hyperlink takes to another location in the same or a different webpage.

Syntax- < a href=”url”> text </a>


ANS6. Audio

Syntax- <audio controls>

< source src=”URL”>





<Video controls>

< source src=”URL”>



Wednesday, November 9, 2022

circular for training

 Subject: Industry Engagement & Technology Exposure Program for CBSE students

 In continuation to CBSE Circular No. 101/2022 dated 09.09.2022, CBSE in partnership with Microsoft shall be offering the next batches of Industry Engagement & Technology Exposure Program for students across CBSE schools. Microsoft through its Global Learning Partners would be conducting various virtual sessions on technology exposure and industry engagement for students during November and December 2022. 

Brief about the program: Students will be oriented about various themes such as technology areas, inspiring industry talks, career insights, entrepreneurship and hands-on exposure to implement their ideas. Students would have opportunities to work on mini projects as teams. They will submit their projects at the end of the program. Mini challenges and assignments will be provided to students during the program for continuous assessment and engagement. Students will be given orientation on several tech areas and opportunities to participate at National and International level challenges on Coding/Applications of AI. Leaders from the industry will be invited to deliver guest talks on each day of the program

 Themes to be covered: Technology Exposure- Cloud, AI, Analytics among others Coding and its applications Insights and lessons from career journeys of practitioners Entrepreneurship - from idea to making it happen Implementing innovative ideas

 Mode and Duration: Online (virtual) Five days, two hours per day and time for project work and showcase Certificates: On successful completion of the program, certificates will be provided to students.

Tuesday, November 8, 2022


 Q1. Write the shortcut keys

a. Find

b. replace

c. Spell and grammar check

d. hyperlink

Q2. Expand the term WYSIWYG. 

Q3. Which of the following is a VIRUS?

a. Trojan horse  b. Invisible man  c. stowaway  d. Uninvited guest

Q4. what is malware? How we can keep our computer safe from malware?

Q5. Rahul was visiting his aunt's house when he got a call from his friend that he had sent him an important mail and other documents with it.

Rahul used a computer at a cyber cafe near his aunt's house copied the mail and other documents on his pendrive. After he used this pendrive on his computer at home, his computer started behaving strangely. It suddenly hangs or reboots itself. Sometimes it takes ages to open a file.

a. What could be the possible reason for this?

b. How could this be avoided/prevented?

c. How can Rahul cure his computer now?

d. Name any two popular Antivirus software?

CLASS X 9 NOV 2022

HTML QUIZ (Copy and paste links and attempt all the questions) Register yourself then attempt the quiz.

Answer above questions first Register yourself then attempt the quiz.

Sunday, November 6, 2022

FORMS Practice Questions with output



 Form: It provides an easy way to collect required information from web page visitors. Web page forms have three important parts: a

tag, form input elements, and a submit button

An Input control is a type of input mechanism on a form. A form may contain several different types of input controls. • Text Input Controls (Text Box, Password Box) • Data Input Controls (Check Box, Radio Button, List Box, Combobox) • Button Controls (Submit Button)