Class IX Basics of Operating Systems (Chap 4) Device Driver A device driver is a group of files that enable one or more hardware devices to communicate with the computer’s operating system. Each hardware device installed on a computer requires a different type of device driver or hardware driver. The device driver provides specific instructions to the operating system in order for the hardware device to perform properly. Types of Operating Systems1. Single User OSIt supports only one user at any point of time. There can be two subcategories of this OS type: (i) Single Task OS- This OS supports single application at a time e.g., OS for mobiles, MS-DOS etc. (ii) Single User, Multitasking OS- This OS supports one user but can deal with multiple applications running at a time e.g. simultaneously running word document, a video, internet browsing, listening to music etc. Eg. Windows Vista, Windows 7/8, Linux, MacOS Leopard etc. 2. Multi program OS It suppo...