HTML-I (Chap 3)

 HTML-I (Chap 3)

HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language. The word Hypertext was first

coined by Ted Nelson in 1960s. Markup language is a technique to write

documents, describing the general structure of the contents inside the

documents and not its actual appearance on the page or on the screen.

HTML allows user to link several related information already stored in the

computer or server that can be accessed from anywhere around the world.

Tim Berners Lee developed the HTML standard in 1989, and invented the

world wide web in 1991.

Features of HTML1. HTML documents are simple text files. Web browsers act as HTML


2. There is no need of compiling the file as in case of other programming


3. It is not a case sensitive language.

4. HTML documents can be viewed on any type of computer platform.

Tools Required to create a webpage1. Text Editor- A text editor is used to create or compose HTML

documents. Examples- Notepad and wordpad.

2. A Web Browser- A Web browser is used to display and view the HTML


Examples- Internet explorer, Mozilla Firefox, opera and safari.

3. A Web server (optional)-

A web server is required when one want to store the HTML document.

TAG- A tag is an HTML command that controls the structure and appearance

of the page or document that is created. Every tag has attributes or special


The tags are always enclosed within a pair of angular brackets i.e. < and >.

CONTAINER ELEMENTS- This type of HTML elements require pair tags i.e. a

starting as well as an ending tag e.g., <TITLE>……</TITLE>,


EMPTY ELEMENTS- This type of HTML elements requires just a starting tag

and not an ending tag e.g. <BR>, <BASE>. Empty elements just carry out

their specific job e.g., <HR> inserts a horizontal rule and <BR> breaks a line.

HTML Tags and its usage1. <HTML>. It is a structural tag used to mark the beginning and end of

an HTML document.

2. <BODY>. It is a structural tag that encloses all the visible content of a


3. <P>. It is a formatting tag used to mark the beginning of a new


4. <U>. It is a formatting tag used to underline text on a webpage.

5. <CENTER>. It is a formatting tag used to centralize text on a webpage.

6. <H1>. It is a formatting tag used to mark text as biggest heading.

7. <IMG>. It is a formatting tag used to add inline images on a webpage.

8. <OL>. It is a formatting tag used to add numbered lists on a webpage.

9. <LI>. It is a formatting tag used to mark list items in a numbered list on

a webpage.

10.<A>. It is a formatting tag used to add hyperlinks on a webpage.

Basic Structure of HTML-



<TITLE>My first Web page </TITLE>



The HTML tags that define your page go here




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