Sunday, October 16, 2022

Organising and enhancing Webpages CLASS VIII


Chapter 6

Organising and enhancing Webpages

1.           (C) Number

2.           (a) Reversed

3.           (d) all of these

4.           (c) <th>

5.           (d) Image, Audio, video


(B) T/F







C. <OL> In an ordered list, the list items appear in a particular order. An ordered list is a numbered list of items.

Attributes- 1. Type   2. Start

    i.                        The type attributes gives the type of numbering to be used in the list. Type “a” gives alphabetical order.

<ol type=”value”>

ii.                        The start attribute defines the start value for the ordered list numbers.


2. <UL> tag is a container tag. It is use to display list of item with bulleted style. Its attribute help us to change the different type of list.

Attribute- Type

3. <TH> tag is a container element that is used to specify row headings in the table.

Attribute-  1. ID    2. STYLE

                  3. ALIGN   4. BGCOLOR

4. <A> The <a>…….</a> element is used to create a hyperlink. The href attribute is used with the <a> tag to specify the URL of the location to be linked.

<a href=”url”> text </a>

6.           <audio>

Attribute- controls

An audio can be inserted using the <audio>..</audio> element. The controls attribute is used to display audio controls such as play, pause and volume buttons.

7.           <Video>

Attribute- controls

An audio can be inserted using the

< Video >..</ Video > element. The controls attribute is used to display Video controls such as play, pause and volume buttons.


Short answer questions

1.           Attributes required to build an ordered list:-

1.           Type   2. Start

2.  Tags used to create a definition list

         a. Definition list <DL>

         b. Definition list item <DT>

        C. Definition list description <DD>

3. Tags used to create a table in HTML –

 1. <TABLE>……</TABLE>

2. <TR>…<TR>

3. <TD>..</TD>


5. <TH> ……..</TH>


ANS 4. Attributes of <TD> AND <TH> Tags are ROWSPAN   COLSPAN

ANS5. Following are the three types of hyperlinks

1.           Internal- Links on the same page

2.           Local- Links to another page within the same website

3.           Global- Links to pages on different websites.


Long answer questions-

ANS1. Already done

ANS2. A list is a number of similar items that are presented in a particular way

mostly one below the other. A list helps organize data in a specific order so that the data becomes easy to read and understand.


Ans 4. A list inside another list is known as a nested list. Nested list are useful when subcategories of the items to be listed.




<title> nested list </title>




<li> Monday </li>


<li> English </li>

<li> Mathematics </li>


<li> Tuesday </li>





ANS4. Four Tags required to create a table are   (PAGE 89)

1.   <Table> Tag

2.   <Tr> Tag

3.   <Td> Tag

4.   <Th> Tag



ANS5. A website consists of multiple webpages. These webpages are linked to each other through hyperlinks. A hyperlink can be a text or an image that links to another location on the computer or the internet. When clicked, a hyperlink takes to another location in the same or a different webpage.

Syntax- < a href=”url”> text </a>


ANS6. Audio

Syntax- <audio controls>

< source src=”URL”>





<Video controls>

< source src=”URL”>



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