class 8 cascading style sheet


Class 8



Short answer questions

1.       What is cascading style sheet?

Ans1. CSS is an acronym for cascading style sheet is a programming specification markup language used for web development. It is a style sheet language which is used to describe the look and formatting of a document written in markup language. It provides an additional feature to HTML. It is generally used with HTML to change the style of web pages and user interfaces. 

2.       What is CSS used for?

Ans2. CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is used to style and layout web pages — for example, to alter the font, color, size, and spacing of your content, split it into multiple columns, or adds animations and other decorative features.

3.    What is the difference between selector and declaration?

Ans3. The selector specifies the HTML element you want to style. The declaration block contains one or more declarations separated by semicolons. Each declaration includes a CSS property name and a value, separated by a colon.

For example:-   h3 {color:green, font-size:10px;}

4.    Write the four margin properties in CSS.

Ans4. Following are the four margin properties in CSS

1.       Margin-top: This property is used to set the top margin.

2.       Margin-bottom: This property is used to set the bottom margin.

3.       Margin-left: This property is used to set the left margin.

4.       Margin-right: This property is used to set the right margin.

5.  How is the text-align property different from the text-indent property?

Ans5. Text-align property- This text property is used to align the left, right, center and justify.

For example:  letter-spacing: normal;

                         Letter-spacing: 3px;

Text-indent property- This text property is used to indent the first line of text. The values of this property include length or % (percentage) values.

For example:-

Text-indent: 35px;

Text-indent: 30%;

6. Name the font style properties in CSS.

Ans6.  Following are the font style properties in CSS

1.       Font family   2. Font Size   3. Font style   4. Font variant   5. Font weight


1Q1       Explain the div tag using an example

Ans-The div tag is used to define a section of the document. Using this tag, one can group a large section of HTML elements together and format them using CSS. This tag allows to define characteristics for several types of element at once.




<title>div demo</title>



<div style=“font-size: 18px;color:  red;”>This is div style demonstration! This is div style demonstration</div>




2Q2      Explain internal, external and inline style sheets.

Ans- Inline style sheet is used to apply a unique style to HTML element It is applied using the style attribute of HTML element.

For example-   <h3 style-color:green> Type text for level three heading. </h3>

Internal style sheet is present in the HTML code document within the <head>….</head> element.

The styles of an internal style sheet are defined using the <style> and </style> tags. The styles will be applied to the specific HTML document in which code between the <style> tags is written.

External style sheet is used when the style is to be applied together to a set of webpages or to a complete website. External style sheet is created in a separate file. All the formatting and layout instructions are typed in this separate sheet and then linked to HTML documents.

4. Write a short note on font properties.

Ans1. The font properties are used to set the font family, thickness, size and style of text. Some of the font properties are font family, font size, font style, font variant, font weight etc.

2. What are the border properties? Explain with the help of an example.

Ans2. Border properties are used to change the color, style, width and radius of the borders around the elements. The different border properties are





6. Explain lists in CSS.

Ans6. CSS list properties allow a set different list item markers for ordered lists and unordered lists. Also one can set an image as the list item marker along with adding background colors to the lists and list items. The list style type property specifies the type of list item marker. Some of the list item markers available for ordered and unordered lists are

Unordered Lists




No bullet


A filled in circle


Empty Disc


A filled in square


Ordered Lists












A. Tick the correct option

1. CSS- B. Cascading style sheet

2. D. Variable

3. B. External style sheet

4. A. line-height

5. c. border dotted

B. Fill in the blanks- 

1. Style

2. Div tag

3. External

4. Text - Align

5. Font variant

C. Write True or false

1. False




5. TRUE 


chapter 9

Protecting your computer

1. d. all of these (slow processing

speed, loss of data, reduced disk


2. b. Mcafee

3. b. acid rain

4. d. Both a. and b.

     (quarantining, repairing)

5. b. program virus


B. Fill in the blanks

1. Malware

2. deletes or modifies

3. boot sector

4. program

5. ransomware


true / false








1. Antivirus software is a program

that detects and removes viruses and

other malware from the computer.

Example- Avira, AVG, Bitdefender etc.


2. Ransomware is a malware designed

to lock a system or a network and

deny access to them until a ransom

is paid. It spreads throughout the

system including the storage devices.

Whereas a worm is a program that

replicates itself from one system to

another over a network. Worm does not

need a host program to run. Worms are

designed only to spread from one

system to another without causing

any harm to the system files.

They replicate in large numbers to

consume disk space or system memory.



1. What do you understand by the term

malware and what are the ways in

which it spreads?

ans- A malware is a malicious program

designed in such a way to damage

computer files, disrupt the data

stored in it or steal important

information from the hard disk.

Malware spreads in the following ways-

1. By using an infected pen drive, CD

or DVD.

2. Through email attachments

3. By downloading or installing

software/file infected with malware.

4. Clicking on any unkown link that

has malware while surfing the internet


Q2. Write short note of the following

a. Macro virus

b. Stealth virus

c. Trojan horse


Q3. Explain three actions performed

by an antivirus software.

Ans3. Following are the common action

performed by an antivirus software

1. Quarantine- Quarantine means to

isolate an infected file so that it

cannot harm other files.

2. Repair- The antivirus tries to

remove the virus code and repairs

the infected file to restore it to

its original form.

3. Delete- When a file is damaged or

infected beyond repair, then an

antivirus deletes it.


Q4. Differentiate between spam and


Ans4. Adware displays or directs the

users to an advertisement, while

spyware performs espionage on the

 computer`s activity.


• Adware operates visible to the user,

 while the Spyware operates hidden.


• Generally adware does not pose

a threat to the security of the

 computer or user information,

while spyware does and are

categorized as malicious software.


 Q5. Differentiate between a virus

and a worm.

ANS5.(1) Worms usually spread using a

 computer network, whereas viruses

use executable files to spread from

one system to others.

(2) Worms can automatically replicate to

different systems, while viruses

require human action to replicate.

(3)The spreading speed of viruses is

comparatively slower than worms.

Because worms can replicate

automatically, they spread at a much

 faster speed.

Q6. List four tips to keep your

computer system safe from malware.

Ans6. Best practices to keep computer

safe are:-

i. Install an antivirus sofware.

ii. Scan the computer from time to


iii. Scan the pen drive or other

external hard drives before attaching

them to the computer.

iv. Do not open emails from an

unkonwn source.

v. Scan a software before downloading

or installing it from the internet.



1.  D. <HR> AND <BR>

2.  B <TITLE>


4.  A <H1>

5.  A  <B>

Fill in the blanks

1.  Hypertext

2.  Container and Empty

3.  HTML 5

4.  HEAD

5.  BODY


1.  <TITLE>

The title element is used to tell the browser that the text within <TITLE> and </TITLE> tags is the title of the webpage. The Title tag appears on the title bar of the browser.

2. <h3> The HTML <h3> tag defines the third level heading in the HTML document. This tag is also commonly referred to as the <h3> element.


3. <BR> The <br> HTML element produces a line break in text. It is useful for writing a poem or an address where the division of lines is significant.

4. <i> To display a part of the text in the italic form on the browser, the HTML <i> tag is used.

5. <HTML>

The html element is used to tell the browser that the document is HTML document. Every webpage code must start with <HTML> and end with </HTML>.

6.  <Img> Tag is used to insert image in a webpage. The <Img> tag is an empty element and creates space for the image to be inserted.


1.  The <p> element is used to mark a new paragraph. It is a container tag starting with <p> and ending with </p>.

2.  Example of container tags are

1.  Paragraph tag   <p>..</p>

2.  Italics tag  <i>…….</i>

Ans3. The line break <br> tag is used to give a line break. The text written after this tag appears on a new line. It is an empty tag.

Ans4. Hypertext refers to a word, phrase or chunk of text that can be linked to another document or text. Hypertext covers both textual hyperlinks and graphical ones

Ans5- The <!—text --> tag is used to insert comments in the HTML code. Comments help in code explanation. Comment text is not displayed in the browser. This is an empty element.




ANS1. HTML is a markup language that is used to create HTML document i.e. webpages. HTML documents can be displayed on the World Wide Web using web browsers.

Requirement to create HTML document

a.  Text editor  - Notepad, Wordpad

b.   Web browser- Google chrome and opera

Q2. What is an element in HTML? List five examples.

Ans2. HTML elements are the basic building blocks of a webpage. Elements give structure to an HTML document. HTML elements are written using tags. Some elements are title, headings, body, paragraphs and images.

Q3. Explain the basic HTML structure in detail.

Ans3. Basic structure of HTML-



                <TITLE> My first webpage </TITLE>






Q4. What is an attribute? Explain with the help of an example.

Ans4. An attribute defines a property of an element. HTML elements have attributes and an attribute provides more information about an element such as height, width, color and so on.

Example- <body bgcolor=”red”>


Q5. Explain how to insert an image into a webpage using an example. Explain the attributes of the tag.

Ans5.      <HTML>


                <TITLE> Inserting image in webpage </TITLE>



<Img src=”C:\Users\Documents\Tulips.jpg”>




Attributes of Image tag-

1.  Src- It is used to define the location of the image to be inserted.

2.  Alt- It is useful in case an image cannot be found or not displayed by the browser. In such a case, the browser displays the text given with this attribute.

3.   Width, height- These attributes specify the size of an image on a webpage.


Q6. Write the attributes used to style or format your text.


Ans6. The style attribute can be linked to any element or tag. Multiple properties and their values can be given with this attribute for an element, separated with semicolons.


<p style=”color:red;background-color:aqua”>


Q7. Classify the following into container or empty elements.

a)   <br>   Empty element

b) <title>  container element

c)   <hr> empty element

d) <h3>  container element

e)  <p>  container element

f)    f)  <head>   container element










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