
Netiquette refers to the set of rules and guidelines for proper behavior and communication on the internet.

It includes guidelines for email communication, social media interaction, online forums, and other forms of online communication.

Examples of netiquette rules include being polite and respectful, refraining from using all caps (which is considered shouting), avoiding spamming, and being mindful of others’ privacy.

Example: When sending emails, it’s important to use a clear and concise subject line that accurately reflects the content of the email. Avoiding all caps in the subject line and body of the email, as well as refraining from using excessive exclamation marks, helps maintain professional communication.

Software licenses and the open-source software movement:

Software licenses dictate the terms and conditions under which software can be used, modified, and distributed.

Open-source software refers to software with a license that allows users to freely use, modify, and distribute the software’s source code.

The open-source software movement promotes collaboration, transparency, and community-driven development.

Examples of open-source licenses include the GNU General Public License (GPL), MIT License, and Apache License.

Example: The Linux operating system is a well-known example of open-source software. It is distributed under the GNU General Public License (GPL), which allows users to view, modify, and distribute the source code freely. This fosters collaboration among developers and enables the Linux community to contribute to its improvement.

Intellectual property rights, plagiarism, and digital property rights:

Intellectual property rights protect creations of the mind, such as inventions, literary and artistic works, symbols, names, and images used in commerce.

Plagiarism involves using someone else’s work without proper attribution or permission, which violates intellectual property rights.

Digital property rights extend intellectual property rights to digital assets such as digital content, software, and online creations.

It’s important to respect copyright laws, give proper credit to creators, and obtain necessary permissions for using copyrighted material.

Example: Plagiarism in academia involves copying someone else’s work without proper citation. For instance, if a student copies a passage from a book or website without attribution in their research paper, it constitutes plagiarism and violates intellectual property rights. Proper citation and referencing are necessary to avoid plagiarism.

Freedom of information and the digital divide:

Freedom of information refers to the right to access information and express ideas freely without censorship or restriction.

The digital divide refers to the gap between those who have access to digital technologies and the internet and those who do not.

Addressing the digital divide is essential for ensuring equal access to information, education, and opportunities in the digital age.

E-commerce: Privacy, fraud, secure data transmission:

E-commerce involves buying and selling goods or services over the internet.

Privacy concerns in e-commerce include protecting personal information such as credit card details and ensuring secure transactions.

Fraud prevention measures are crucial to protect consumers and businesses from online scams, identity theft, and financial fraud.

Secure data transmission involves encrypting sensitive information during online transactions to prevent unauthorized access and data breaches.

Example: In some rural areas, access to high-speed internet may be limited or nonexistent, creating a digital divide between urban and rural communities. This disparity in internet access affects individuals’ ability to participate in online education, access telemedicine services, or pursue remote job opportunities, highlighting the importance of addressing the digital divide.

E-commerce: Privacy, fraud, secure data transmission:

E-commerce involves buying and selling goods or services over the internet.

Privacy concerns in e-commerce include protecting personal information such as credit card details and ensuring secure transactions.

Fraud prevention measures are crucial to protect consumers and businesses from online scams, identity theft, and financial fraud.

Secure data transmission involves encrypting sensitive information during online transactions to prevent unauthorized access and data breaches.

Example: When making an online purchase, consumers expect their personal information, such as credit card details and address, to be kept secure. E-commerce websites use encryption technologies such as Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) to encrypt data transmitted between the user’s browser and the server, ensuring that sensitive information remains confidential and protected from interception by malicious actors.

Expand the terms:



OSI — Open Source Initiative.

FLOSS — Free Libre/Livre and Open Source Software.

FSF — Free Software Foundation.

GNU — GNU is Not Unix.

GPL — General Public Licence.

W3C — World Wide Web Consortium.

OSS — Open Source Software.

 GPL software license and LGPL software license -

 Ans: General Public Licence (GPL) grants and guarantees a wide range of rights to developers who work on open-source projects. With GPL, users can do the following:

Copy the software as many times as needed.

Distribute the software in any way

Charge a fee to distribute the software after modifying it but the software should still be under GNU GPL.

Make any type of modifications to the software


The LGPL and GPL licenses differ with one major exception. With LGPL the requirement that you have to release software extensions in open GPL has been removed.


Q1. What do you understand by privacy of data in e-commerce context ?

Ans: In e-commerce context, privacy of data is related to a company’s policies on the use of user data. An e-commerce company must clearly state how it intends to use the data collected from the customer and whether the customer can restrict the use of personal information.

Q2 What role does consumer consent play in implementing the privacy of user data?

Ans: Consumer consent plays a vital role in implementing the privacy of consumer data. Consumer consent decides what information can and cannot be used. The consent also relates to whether the given information can be further exploited.

Q3: What is credit card fraud ?

Ans: In credit card frauds, the credit card details of a user such as his credit card number, name, CVV, transaction pin, etc., are stolen from his/her online activities and then some payment frauds are carried out with this stolen information.

Q4: What is identity theft ?

Ans: Online identity theft refers to an act of stealing someone’s personal information such as name, login details etc. and then posing as that person online. Malicious activities like fraudulent posts, rumour mongering, riots fuelling, fraudulent financial transactions, etc. can be carried out through identity theft.

Q5. What are open source based software ?

Ans: Open source software is the software whose source code is available and which can be copied, modified and redistributed as well. There may or may not be charges payable for open source software. In open source software, the source code is freely available to the customer. For example, Linux.



Q6. What is public domain software ?

Ans. Public-domain software is free and can be used without restrictions. It is, by its very nature, outside the scope of copyright and licensing.

Q7. Name some common public domain software licenses.

 Ans : Some open source licenses are Creative Commons License, General Public License and Apache License.

Q8. What is freedom of information ?

 Ans: Freedom of information refers to the right to access information available on public platforms.

 Q9. What are the major factors behind digital divide ?

 Ans. The major factors behind digital divide are:

Technology reach — Technological reach is not the same all across India, especially in rural and remote areas.

Digital Literacy — The rate of digital literacy is far less in rural areas as compared to urban areas. People in remote areas and rural areas are picking up with digital literacy, now.

Q10. Write any one application each of e-Governance and e-commerce.

 Ans. An application of e-Governance is filing of online application forms for Aadhaar card, passport, etc.

 An application of e-commerce is that we can do online shopping.


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