1. The letter S in the abbreviation HTTPS in context of Networking protocols, stands for:

(A) Single (B) Static

(C) Secure (D) Sensitive

Ans (C) Secure

(1 mark for writing the correct option )

2. Which of the following is not a Web Service ?

(A) Using Diksha learning portal (B) Sending and receiving email

(C) File transfer over Bluetooth (D) Using a banking portal for online


Ans (C) File transfer over Bluetooth

(1 mark for writing the correct option )

3. In 3G and 4G mobile technologies, the character ‘G’ stands for :

(A) Generation (B) GPRS

(C) Grid (D) Google

Ans (A) Generation

(1 mark for writing the correct option )

4. A website or online platform where individuals or groups regularly publish written

content, typically in a reverse chronological order is known as :

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(A) News Group (B) Blog

(C) Chat Group (D) Social Networking

Ans (B) Blog

(1 mark for writing the correct option )

5. Which of the following is not an attribute of the <font> tag ?

(A) face (B) height

(C) size (D) color

Ans (B) height

(1 mark for writing the correct option )

6. In HTML, we start a comment using :

(A) <!-- (B) !-->

(C) --!> (D) <--!

Ans (A) <!--

(1 mark for writing the correct option )

7. Which of the following elements have both the opening and closing tags in HTML?

(A) <br> (B) <h1>

(C) <hr> (D) <img>

Ans (B) <h1>

(1 mark for writing the correct option )

8. The default color of vlink is _________.

(A) Green (B) Purple

(C) Blue (D) Yellow

Ans (B) Purple

(1 mark for writing the correct option )

9. Which of the following tags is not used while creating a description list ?

(A) <dt> (B) <dl>

(C) <td> (D) <dd>

Ans (C) <td>

(1 mark for writing the correct option )

10. Which of the following is not an example of an Open Source Software ?

(A) Linux (B) Android

(C) Photoshop (D) OpenOffice

Ans (C) Photoshop

(1 mark for writing the correct option )

Questions No.11 and 12 are Assertion and Reason type questions. Each question consists

of two statements, namely, Assertion (A) and Reason (R). Select the most suitable

option considering the Assertion and Reason.

11. Assertion (A) : When you enter a query into a search engine, it retrieves and presents a

list of web pages, documents, images, videos or other types of content

that are relevant to your search.

Reason (R) : The goal of information retrieval is to effectively and efficiently find and

present information that matches the user’s search criteria.

(A) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true and Reason (R) is the correct

explanation of Assertion (A).

(B) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true, but Reason (R) is not the correct

explanation of Assertion (A).

(C) Assertion (A) is true, but Reason (R) is false.

(D) Assertion (A) is false, but Reason (R) is true.

Ans (A) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true and Reason (R) is the correct

explanation of Assertion (A).

(1 mark for writing the correct option )

12. Assertion (A) : It becomes difficult to update and maintain a website’s design using CSS.

Reason (R) : CSS allows web developers to separate the presentation layer (styles and

layout) from the content layer (HTML).

(A) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true and Reason (R) is the correct

explanation of Assertion (A).

(B) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true, but Reason (R) is not the correct

explanation of Assertion (A).

(C) Assertion (A) is true, but Reason (R) is false.

(D) Assertion (A) is false, but Reason (R) is true.

Ans (D) Assertion (A) is false, but Reason (R) is true.

(1 mark for writing the correct option )

SECTION B 7x2=14

13. Write any two points of comparison between Chat and Email in context of web



Chat Email

1. Chat offers instant real-time


2. Chat services often require both

parties to be online simultaneously

3. Users need to be on the same

platform for chatting

4. Chats are often informal and slack

legal validity

1. Email allows messages to be sent

and received at different times.

2. Both parties need not be online


3. Users can send/receive emails

regardless of the domain

4. Emails serve as formal

communication channels and carry

legal validity

Note: Any two from above or any other valid points

(1 Mark for writing each correct point of difference - any two)

Note : ½ Mark for each valid point mentioned for either chat or email

14. (a) Write in brief about any two advantages of e-Banking.

Ans The advantages of e-Banking are :

● Convenience: Transactions can be done anytime, anywhere.

● Faster Transactions: Speeds up processes like fund transfers and bill payments.

● Enhanced Security: Provides advanced measures to protect against fraud.

● Environmental Benefits: Reduces paper usage and carbon emissions.

Note: Any two from above or any other valid points

(1 Mark each for writing any two correct advantages)


(b) Write in brief one advantage and one limitation of e-Reservation.

Advantages (any one of the following or any other valid points)

● Convenient as it can be done from anywhere at any time.

● Time saving as there is no need to go to the counter and stand in queues.

● Prices can be compared easily.

● Multiple payment options are available.

Limitations (any one of the following or any other valid points)

● Additional booking charges are added to the booking cost.

● Technical issues such as server down, slow internet, etc.

● Risk of security and online fraud issues.

(1 Mark for writing any one correct advantage of e-Reservation)

(1 Mark for writing any one correct limitation of e-Reservation)

15. Write any one point of difference between a webpage and a website.

Webpage Website

1. A webpage refers to a single

document or file that is accessible

through a web browser.

2. Webpages are typically

interconnected through hyperlinks.

(Any one of the above or any other

valid points)

1. A website is a collection of related

webpages that are inter-connected.

2. It consists of multiple

interconnected webpages organized

hierarchically or thematically

(Any one of the above or any other

valid points)

(2 Marks for writing any one correct point of difference)

Note: 1 Mark for correctly explaining either of the two

16. (a) Explain in brief about any two factors that are responsible for the Digital


Ans Factors that are responsible for the Digital Divide:

1) Uneven distribution of broadband internet and electricity access.

2) Affordability of technology for low-income individuals.

3) Lack of digital literacy and educational opportunities.

4) Rural areas often have limited digital infrastructure.

(Any two of the above or any other valid points)

(1 Mark each for explaining any two correct factors)


(b) What are software licenses? Give one example each of a free software

license and a proprietary software.

Software licenses are legal agreements that define the terms and conditions

under which the software is made available to users and indicate how users

can use, modify, distribute, or share software.

Examples :

Free software license : GNU General Public License (GPL), Apache License etc.

Proprietary software : Adobe Photoshop, Microsoft Office/Windows

(1 Mark for writing the correct explanation of software licenses)

( ½ Mark for writing an example of free software license)

( ½ Mark for writing an example of proprietary software license)

17. Write any two significances of using links in an HTML webpage.

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Ans Two significances of using links in a HTML webpage are :

Navigation: Links in HTML allow users to move from one page to another within

the same website or to navigate to external websites.

Interactivity: Links add interactivity to web pages by allowing users to interact

with the content.

(OR any other valid significances)

(1 Mark each for writing any two correct significance)

18. (a) Match the tag with their corresponding correct attribute.

Tag Attribute

<table> start

<input> rowspan

<ol> type

<td> border


Tag Attribute

<table> border

<input> type

<ol> start

<td> rowspan

( ½ Mark each for writing the four correct matches)


(b) Differentiate between bgcolor and background attributes of <body> tag.

Write one HTML statement explaining the use of each attribute.

Ans Bgcolor attribute is used to set background colour of an HTML page.

For example :

<body bgcolor = "Red">

The above statement will set the background colour of web page as red.

Background attribute is used to specify the image that will be set as

background of a web page.

For example :

<body background = "mypic.jpg">

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The above statement will set the image mypic.jpg as the background of the

web page.

(½ Mark for writing the purpose of bgcolor)

(½ Mark for writing the purpose of background)

(½ Mark for any valid example of bgcolor)

(½ Mark for any valid example of background)

19. Write suitable html statements to display the following text on a webpage in

appropriate subscript and superscript form :

a. H2O

b. E=MC2

Ans a.




(1 Mark for writing correct html code for part a.)

(1 Mark for writing correct html code for part b.)

SECTION C 4x3=12

20. A school wants to create a webpage for the announcement of orientation

programme of its Cultural Club as shown below:

ABC International School

Cultural Club

Orientation programme on 15th March 2024

The school wants all the 3 lines to appear as Headings and Subheadings :

● The first line containing its name to have the boldest possible appearance as a

heading in Blue color.

● The second line containing the Club name should appear as a heading but its size

should be smaller than the first line in green color.

● The third line containing the Programme details should appear as a heading and its

size should be smaller than the previous two lines in Cyan color.

Suggest the html code to get the desired appearance of the lines in the webpage.

Ans <h1><font color=blue>ABC International School</font></h1>

<h2><font color=green>Cultural Club</font></h2>

<h3><font color=cyan>Orientation programme on 15th March



<h1 style="color:blue">ABC International School</h1>

<h2 style="color:green">Cultural Club</h2>

<h3 style="color:cyan">Orientation programme on 15th March


(1 Mark each for writing the three correct heading statements)


(½ Mark each for mentioning the heading tag only)

21. Ayesha has shot some videos. She wants to create a webpage so as to share her

creations with her followers across the world. Help Ayesha to embed her video file

in the web page with the following specifications :

● The name of video file is Ayeshahits.mp4.

● The video should play in a window of width 350 pixels and height 250 pixels.

● The video controls such as Play, Pause and Volume should be visible.

Ans <video width = "350" height = "250" controls>

<source src = "Ayeshahits.mp4">



<embed type="video/webm" src="Ayeshahits.mp4" width = "350"

height = "250">

(1 Mark for specifying the correct tag)

(1 Mark for correctly specifying width="350" height = "250" )

(1 Mark for correctly specifying src = "Ayeshahits.mp4" )


1. The answer <a href="Ayeshahits.mp4"> Video </a> should be

considered as partially correct answer and awarded 2 Marks only.

2. Alternative correct/valid answers should be marked accordingly.

22. (a) Online Gadgets is an electronic products company. The company wishes to sell its

products online for which they want to launch its website. The homepage of the

website should contain the images of its products which are saved as PHONE.JPG

and TV.JPG. The company wishes to open the webpage named ALLPHONES.HTML

when the image PHONE.JPG is clicked. Similarly, on clicking the image TV.JPG a

different webpage named as ALLTVS.HTML should open. Ensure that both the

images should get displayed with a width of 200 pixels and a height of 150 pixels.

Write the code to achieve the desired result.

Note : Assume that the image and both the webpages are stored in the same


Ans Suggested answer - Option 1



<title>Online Gadgets</title>



<h1>Welcome to Online Gadgets</h1>

<p>Click on the images below to view all

products: </p>

<!--Image of Phone with link to ALLPHONES.HTML -->

<a href="ALLPHONES.html">

<img src= "PHONE.JPG" width ="200" height="150">


<!--Image of TV with link to ALLTVS.HTML -->

<a href="ALLTVS.html">

<img src= "TV.JPG" width ="200" height="150">





Suggested answer - Option 2



width: 200;

height: 150;



<h1>Welcome to Online Gadgets</h1>

<p>Click on the images below to view all products: </p>

<!--Image of Phone with link to ALLPHONES.HTML -->

<a href="ALLPHONES.html">

<img src= "PHONE.JPG">


<!--Image of TV with link to ALLTVS.HTML -->

<a href="ALLTVS.html">

<img src= "TV.JPG">


(½ Mark for writing <a href="ALLPHONES.html" … > tag correctly)

(½ Mark for writing <img src="PHONE.JPG" … > tag correctly)

(½ Mark for writing the attributes width="200" height ="150" correctly )

(½ Mark for writing <a href="ALLTVS.html"> tag correctly)

(½ Mark for writing <img src="TV.JPG" … > tag correctly)

(½ Mark for writing the attributes width="200" height ="150" correctly )

Note: Ignore the other parts of the HTML code


(b) Write the HTML code to design the content of the webpage in the form of

lists as shown below :

Ans <html>


<title>Nested Lists</title>



Here is a shopping list with categories and items:

















(½ Mark for writing the top line of the text content of the page correctly)

(½ Mark for writing <ol> … </ol> tag correctly)

(½ Mark for writing <li>Vegetables</li> tag correctly)

(½ Mark for writing <li>Fruits</li> tag correctly)

(½ Mark for writing <ul> … </ul> tags correctly)

(½ Mark for writing the nested <li> … </li> tags correctly )

Note: Ignore the other parts of the HTML code

23. Explain the term “Plagiarism”. Write in brief any two examples to illustrate acts of


Ans Plagiarism is the act of using someone else’s work, ideas, or intellectual

property without proper credit or permission, presenting it as one’s own.

Examples to illustrate acts of plagiarism:

1. Copying and pasting a paragraph from a website into one’s own work

without acknowledgment

2. Using images, graphs, charts, or any other visual representation without

proper permission or citation.

3. Hiring someone else to write a paper or assignment and submitting it as

one’s own work without acknowledging the author.

4. Paraphrasing/Rewriting someone else's ideas or work without properly

citing the original source.

Any two of the above or any other valid example.

(1 Mark for writing correct explanation about plagiarism)

(1 Mark each for writing any two correct examples of plagiarism)


24. (a) Write the HTML code to design a Student’s Data input form as shown below:

The following input elements should be included in the form :

● A textbox to enter student’s name.

● A checkbox to allow the student to subscribe to a newsletter.

● Radio buttons to select the gender. The buttons should be grouped with

individual values as Male, Female, Other.

● A list box (select dropdown) to choose the country. The available options

are USA, Canada, UK and Australia.

Ans (a) <HTML>


<TITLE>Student Data Input Form</TITLE>


<h1>Student Data Input Form</h1> <!-- 1 -->

<Form> <!-- 2 -->


Name : <Input Type ="text"> <!-- 3 -->

<br> <br>


Subscribe for Newsletter : <Input Type="checkbox"> <!-- 4 -->


<!--Radio Buttons-->


<br> Male <Input Type="radio" value ="male" name="gender">

<!-- 5 -->

Female <Input Type="radio" value= "female" name="gender">

Other <Input Type="radio" value= "other" name= "gender">


<!--Combo Box-->

Country : <br>

<select> <!-- 6 -->

<option> USA </option>

<option> Canada </option>

<option> UK </option>

<option> Australia </option>






● Writing <h1> Student Data Input Form </h1>

● Correct use of <Form> Tag

● Writing correct code for generating Textbox

● Writing correct code for generating Checkbox

● Writing correct code for generating Radio buttons

● Writing correct code for generating Combo box

(1 Mark each for writing any of the above 4 parts of the html code)


(b) Observe the screenshot of the following content in a webpage and write the

HTML code to generate the desired output.



Chess Club John Doe 28



Jane Smith 24



Michael Johnson 31

Note : The table border size should be 1.

Ans (b) <html>


<title>Club Activities and Member Details</title>



<table border="1">


<th rowspan = 4>




<th>MEMBER NAME</th>





<td>Chess Club</td>

<td>John Doe</td>





<td>Photography Club</td>

<td>Jane Smith</td>





<td>Football Club</td>

<td>Michael Johnson</td>







(½ Mark for creating the Table)

(½ Mark for adding Border to Table with size 1)

(½ Mark for creating the first Table Heading with rowspan = 4)

(1 Mark for creating the First row of 4 Table Headings)

(½ Mark for creating the Second table row with correct values in each cell)

(½ Mark for creating the Third table row with correct values in each cell)

(½ Mark for creating the Fourth table row with correct values in each cell)



25. Suraj is a novice in digital communication. He has recently joined a company where

most communications happen over the Internet. On multiple occasions Suraj faces

problems while working over the Internet. Help him by answering the following

questions :

(a) Suraj is asked to send an email to his supervisor. He types in the content and

provides the email address of the recipient as How is the address

typed by Suraj different from the email address of the recipient?

(b) Suraj has been asked to create a video conferencing link and share the link with all

co-workers who are working from home. Suggest any two softwares which he can

use for the purpose.

(c) Suraj has been asked to upload a file containing transaction details and send it to

his colleagues in the office. Which Internet protocol will be used by him and by his

colleagues in the office to upload and download the file over the Internet ? Write

the abbreviation as well as the full form of the protocol to be used.

(d) Suraj has been asked to use a social networking site to promote sales of the

company’s products. Suggest him two commonly used social networking sites where

he can post about the products and promote the company’s sales.


(a) An e-mail address should contain a user name and domain name separated by

‘@’ symbol. For example, ‘’ or any other valid example.

(b) Some commonly used video conferencing software are Google Meet, Zoom,

Webex, Teams, Whereby etc.. (Any two names).

(c) FTP/SFTP is used to transfer files over internet. It stands for File Transfer

Protocol/ Secure File Transfer Protocol or any other correct protocol.

(d) Some commonly used social networking sites where Suraj can promote the

company’s sales are : Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Whatsapp, Wechat,

Telegram etc. (Any two names)

(1 mark for writing the characteristics of an email-id OR giving any valid

example of email-id)

(½ Mark each for any two correct examples of video conferencing


(½ Mark each for the abbreviation and full form)

(½ Mark each for any two correct examples of social networking sites)

26. Raghu is a painter and blogger. He regularly updates his paintings on his blog. Recently,

he saw one of his paintings being used in a presentation by his friend, Nityananda,

without acknowledging Raghu as the creator.

(a) What crime (if any) has been committed by Nityananda ?

(b) Raghu appraised Nityananda about IPR and its associated violations. Expand the

term IPR.

(c) Raghu wants to use e-Commerce to sell his paintings online. Write any two

precautions that he should take while using e-Commerce.

(d) Mention any two netiquettes which Raghu should follow while being online.

Ans (a) Nityananda has committed Plagiarism/Copyright/IPR Infringement

(b) IPR is Intellectual Property Rights

(c) (i) Verify the authenticity of the website. Look for signs of legitimacy, such

as a secure connection (https://), contact information, customer reviews,

and trust seals

(ii) Use Secure payment methods

(iii) Use Strong Passwords

(iv) Use updated software including antivirus

(Any two)

(d) (i) Respect privacy

(ii) Think before posting

(iii) Be respectful

(iv) Acknowledge sources

(Any two)

(1 Mark for mentioning Plagiarism/Copyright/IPR Infringement as the


(1 Mark for writing the correct full form of IPR)

(½ Mark each for mentioning any two precautions)

(½ Mark each for mentioning any two netiquettes)


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