
Showing posts from January, 2025




  Question 1:  Name any four basic elements of a slide.  Answer:  The four basic elements of a slide are as follows: 1. Titles 2. Subtitles 3. Drawing objects  4. ClipArt Question 2:  How many views of a slide PowerPoint provided?  Answer:  There are six views of a PowerPoint presentation: 1. Normal view 2. Outline view  3. Notes Page view  4. Slide Show  5. Slide Sorter view  6. Master view   Question 3:  State three functions of the Slides Pane.  Answer:  Three functions of the Slides Pane are as follows: .  1. New slides may be added to the presentation. 2. Allows marking a slide as hidden for not showing it during a slide show. 3. Deleting a slide from the presentation in case it is no longer needed. Question 4:  Write three functions that can be performed in Slide Sorter view of a presentation.  Answer:  The three functions that can be performed in Slide Sorter view are as follows: ...




 You can use the basic mathematical operators:  1 >>> 3 + 3   6   >>> 3 - 3   0   >>> 3 / 3   1.0   >>> 3 / 2 1.5 >>> 3 * 3   9 >>> 3 ** 3   27  >>> num = 3 >>> num = num - 1  >>> print(num) 2 >>> num = num + 10 >>> print(num) 12 >>> num += 10 print(num) 22  >>> num -= 12 >>> print(num) 10 >>> num *= 10 >>> num  100 There’s also a special operator called modulus, % , that returns the remainder after integer division.  >>> 10 % 3   1  One common use of modulus is determining if a number is divisible by another number. For example, we know that a number is even if it’s divided by 2 and the remainder is 0.   >>> 10 % 2  0 >>> 12 % 2 0 Finally, make sure to use parentheses to enforce ...


  DATA TYPES IN PYTHON A. Tick the correct option 1.   Which of the following is not a valid variable name? ANS1. a. Print 2.   Which of the following is not a string?   ANS2. a. 89 3.   How many types of number data type are there in Python? ANS C. 4 4.   Which of the following is a data type? ANS A. TUPLE 5.   Which of the following will you use to access a value stored in a dictionary? ANS C. [ ] B. Fill in the blanks 1.   A multiline string spreads across multiple lines. 2.   Data type is used to represent data in the memory of the computer. 3.   A tuple can consist of different types of values. 4.     A conditional statement can also be called a decision making statement. 5.     The IF conditional statement has code for the condition being true only. C  Write the output of the following code snippets. 1. >>> number_of_pages=200 >>>print( number_of_pag...


  CLASS 7 Introduction to python 1. What is the extension of a Python program file? ANS- B .py 2. Whe was Python created? Ans a 1991 3. Which of the following is not a feature of Python? Ans c. Costly 4. In which window can you select Run- Run Module to run a Python program? Ans b. Editor 5. Which of the following is used to exit Python? Ans b quit ()     B. Fill in the blanks 1. Python is free and open source 2. The >>> prompt is called the Command prompt 3. IDLE is a Graphical user interface (GUI) 4. The Python shell window is used for the script mode. 5. % is a/an Modulus operator in Python. SHORT ANSWER QUESTIONS- 1. What is the full form of IDLE? ans1. Integrated development and learning environment. 2. Define bytecode ans- The intermediate form of the python source code that is translated into the native language of the specific system. 3. Name the two modes available in Python? Ans- 1. Script mode ...


  The HTML <video> Element < video  width ="320"  height ="240"  controls >    < source  src ="movie.mp4"  type ="video/mp4" > </ video> PROG 01 < HTML > < BODY > < TABLE BORDER = " 1 " > < TR > < TD ROWSPAN = " 3 " > Column 1 </ TD > < TD > Row 1 </ TD > </ TR > < TR > < TD > Row 2 </ TD > </ TR > < TR > < TD > Row 3 </ TD > </ TR > </ TABLE > </ BODY > </ HTML > PROGRAM NO 02 < HTML > < BODY > < TABLE BORDER = " 1 " > < TR > < TH COLSPAN = " 2 " BGCOLOR = " YELLOW " > Mammals - Plants - Fish </ TH > </ TR > < TR > < TD BGCOLOR = " SKY BLUE " ROWSPAN = " 3 " > < B > Mammals </ B > < BR > Farm Animals < BR > Big Game ...

charts and its types

  A   chart   is a pictorial representation of data used to compare, analyze, observe patterns and trends in data. A chart can be 2D or 3D. Types of charts Column Charts - They compare distinct items. In this chart category axis is horizontal (Xaxis) and value axis is vertical (Y-axis). It is important to keep the number of series in a column chart to a minimum. Many series cause the column to become narrow and difficult to analyze. Column charts are used for making comparisons. Bar Charts - Compare different items or show single items at different intervals. It is similar to column chart except that the chart value axis is horizontal (X-axis) and category axis is vertical (Y-axis).  Area Charts – They show the relative contributions of each value to a total over time. Line Charts - These charts are useful to compare the trends over time.  Pie Charts - The chart show the proportion of each part value to the total value in a data series. They are used to show pro...

Pariksha pe Charcha 2025

  Submit a question of your choice related to life skills, exam preparation & stress, career guidance and more that you'll like to ask the Prime Minister (in not more than 500 characters)


  CASE STUDY BASED QUESTIONS - Mr. Anek comes from a village, which recently started seeing the digital revolution, and now the people of his village have access to the internet. They can shop online, make payments online, sell online and so on. Anek is also excited with these new changes. He ordered some items online and entered his bank card details on the webpage to make the payment. But still after passing of the promised due date, he has not received his ordered items. There is no way to contact the company as phones are unreachable and emails are not being responded. He also noticed after some days that someone is sending emails on his behalf, using his personal data. Based on the above information answer the following question: -  I. Mr. Anek is a victim of ____________.  II. Mr. Anek finds that his personal details are now leaked. This means his ______ is compromised.  III. While filling out details online, Mr. Anek should have checked _____ in the URL....